
French Canadians in the Political Life of the Province of Alberta (1891-2006), Austin Mardon, Ernest G. Mardon, Allyson V. Ribar: This thorough collection of biographies focuses on Alberta’s French Canadian politicians, and their impact in the political life of the province. These biographies explore the history of provincial and federal Franco-Albertain officials, the background behind many French place names in Alberta, and encompasses political activity from 1891 until 2006. Available also in French.

Notices biographiques des Francophones dans la vie politique de la province de l’Alberta (1891-2006), Austin Mardon, E. G. Mardon: Ce livre présente un large éventail des activités politiques francophones aux niveaux provincial et fédéral durant le premier siècle de la province de l’Alberta. En examinant l’ampleur des contributions on peut y découvrir la riche complexité de ces investissements dans la province. Traduction de l’anglais/English Version: French Canadians in the Political Life of the Province of Alberta (1891-2006)

Mapping Alberta’s Judicial Leadership, Austin Mardon: This book presents information taken from a variety of sources, including newspapers, records, and interviews, to give an account of Alberta’s political leadership. Although no attempt has been made here to analyze voting patterns and behaviours, or to provide a detailed narrative account of individual election campaigns, much of the political history of Alberta can be read in theses biographical profiles.

Alberta Catholic Politicians, Austin Mardon: During the 20th century, Catholics accounted for approximately one third of the province’s population, and their influence has extended into the political realm. This resource is meant to be an objective collection of brief biographical entries featuring Catholic politicians in Alberta, both on provincial and federal elections. The author, Dr. Austin Mardon, has published other references of Alberta politicians including those featuring Mormons and Anglicans. He is involved in an ongoing project to chronicle all of Alberta’s politicians, past and present.

Visionaries of a New Political Era, Austin Mardon: The book presents the men who paved the way for the creation of the Alberta ACT of 1905.

Lethbridge Politicians: Federal, Provincial & Civic, Austin Mardon: This digest of federal, provincial, and civic politicians of Lethbridge was undertaken by the same team that produced a pamphlet on Edmonton politicians several years ago. It appears in part in the Government of Alberta Department of Culture and Multiculturalism under the title of Alberta Election Returns: 1882-1993. The idea behind accumulating all politicians from a locality together in a biographical dictionary is that later researchers will have a more advantageous place to start from in research on the political history of Lethbridge

Alberta’s Judicial Leadership: A Biographical Account, Austin Mardon: Presented in this book are the biographies of Alberta’s judiciaries. It serves as a reference for anyone wishing to find information on Alberta’s judicial leadership over the past century. By having a compendium of biographies, interested researchers will be able to create interconnections and have accurate historical facts to base their research upon.

Scandinavian Politicians, Austin Mardon: A brief history of all of the Scandinavian politicians in Alberta, Canada since its inception in 1905.

Alberta’s Political Pioneers: A Biographical Account of the United Farmers of Alberta, Austin Mardon: Come explore the history of Alberta`s rich political landscape and learn about the people who shaped the face of a province. Within these pages, you`ll meet the men and women who forged the politics of the region during the Roaring Twenties and the height of the Great Depression.

The Mormon Contribution to Alberta Politics, Austin Mardon: This book provides a compendium of biographies of those who are considered to be ethnically Mormon in Alberta who were involved in both provincial and federal politics over the past 120 years.

2004 Politicians, A. Mardon & E. Mardon: This book is part of a series of works by the authors started in the early 1990s. Through compiling notes of candidates from geographic regions, the political trend can be mapped in an effort to understand the history of Alberta’s political history. This work presents a compilation of notes on the candidates of the 2004 election.

The Liberals in Power in Alberta, Austin Mardon: A compilation of Alberta provincial and federal candidates from 1905-1921, a time dominated by the Liberal Party. Brief biographical accounts of each individual serve to portray Alberta’s history through the actions and interactions of the politically inclined. As a reference material, Alberta Liberals in Power is structured to be both comprehensive and accessible to any casual or professional researcher. It examines the backgrounds of statesman without the intrusion of partiality that political texts often fall prey to. Compiled by Dr. Ernest Mardon and Dr. Austin Mardon, C.M. as part of a larger opus on the histories of Alberta’s politicians.

History and Origin of Alberta Constituencies, Austin Mardon: Delve into the rich history of Alberta’s constituencies from its inception, through WWI and into the Roaring Twenties. Gain insight into the creation and dissolution of Alberta’s internal political boundaries following the turn of the century.

Alberta Ethnic German Politicians, Ernest Mardon, Austin Mardon & Catherine Mardon: This book presents biographies of Alberta politicians who are considered to be ethnically German. The candidates covered are those who, either successfully or unsuccessfully, ran for federal, provincial, or territorial positions from 1882 to 1990.

Who’s Who in Federal Politics in Alberta In this work, Austin Mardon: Dr. Ernest Mardon and Dr. Austin Mardon present a collection of biographies of politicians who are active in Federal politics but whom originated in Alberta. Their influence on Canada is not the focus, but rather the idea is to provide a starting point for those who wish to research this topic in the future

Alberta Anglican Politicians, Austin Mardon: Alberta Anglican Politicians features a series of short biographies of over a century’s worth of Anglican politicians. During these men’s and women’s remarkable lives, all of them at one point of their life have found themselves living in the province of Alberta. They would all later go on to contribute the political system of Alberta and Canada by sitting in the Legislature or the House of Commons.

The Girl Who Could Walk Through Walls, Austin Mardon, Ernest G. Mardon: When Kitty and her father, Arthur Conway, disappear under suspicious circumstances, it is up to their friends, Paul and Charles to uncover a sinister plot before it is too late. Can Kitty and her father survive long enough for their friends to find them? Can Paul and Charles save the Conways when they find themselves in the middle of the plot? Read The Girl Who Could Walk Through Walls to find out.

Schizophrenic’s Space Journey, Darren and Diane Aspden: The story of Odin and Heather, and their adventure traveling through space while escaping the clutches of a seemingly evil, marauding force.

Dark Age Avengers, Marcel Chenard: Samson Leader is a Dwarven travel guide, and secretly a prince. When he joins the Avengers, the policing force for the continent, he gets mixed up with many evil chaotics. When Samson returns to the Dwarven Territories after 20 years of war his life changes.

Wake of Evil, Loretta Jackson: Follow Elaine Todd, a young woman working at the Todd Copper Mine, who is thrown into a world of deceit and mystery as she struggles to find who her heart belongs to –a handsome man with a dark past with her uncle, or her fiancé. A story of love, betrayal, and new beginnings, Wake of Evil will keep you reading from start to finish.

What’s in a name? Austin Mardon: What’s in a Name? explores the nominal backgrounds of many prominent towns, cities and regions in Alberta. It also provides a glimpse into the lives of the many men and women who have participated in Alberta history and molded the political landscape of the places investigated. Members of Parliament, Senators and Judges are catalogued with details about their riding, the party they align themselves with, their occupation and more. This work spans the history of Alberta from its induction into Canada as a province in 1905 to the end of the Social Credit era in 1972.

Community Place Names Of Alberta, Austin Mardon: This expanded third edition of Community Names of Alberta, gives a comprehensive description of community names of Alberta. Tracing the etymology of Alberta’s communities provides a significant historical and cultural insight into Alberta’s phases of history. Complete with locations, this book details the origins of community names in Alberta.

A Description of the Western Isles of Scotland, Austin Mardon: This is the 16th century description of the Hebrides the Western Isles of Scotland by Donald Monro. It is one of the first travelogues of the area. It is a modern translation of the manuscript.

Financial Stability for the Disabled: A Self-Help Guide for Social Workers, Caregivers, & Persons with Disabilities, Austin Mardon, Shelley Qian, Kayle Paustian: Presented as a compact collection of short stories with detailed descriptions of various federal programs, Financial Stability for the Disabled gives you an idea of where to start when someone you know is or has become disabled. It is an easy to read manuel that maps out the financial resources available for Canadians with disabilities and those living on low incomes.

Thriving With Schizophrenia, Austin Mardon: A self help book on how to thrive while suffering from the disease of schizophrenia. Many helpful tips in the book.

Tea With the Mad Hatter, Erin Campbell: Austin Mardon was on track for success in 1992. Newly graduated, he had just returned from a NASA mission to the Antarctic, and his dream of becoming a geographer was coming true. Then, unexpectedly, Austin’s life fell to pieces when he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. This is a story about coming to terms with an illness feared above all others, and one man’s fight for a life that most people take for granted.

Poetic Thoughts Of Schizophrenia, Dax Patrick Noden: This book is a collection of poetry written by Dax Patrick Noden, a man who has survived the tribulations of schizophrenia.

Investigating the Kensington Rune Stone and Other Essays, Austin Mardon: This book is comprised of three essays investigating the Kensington Rune Stone, the Callanish Standing Stones, and the Vikings in North America. Each topic is covered in-depth in this book, compiled by Dr. Austin Mardon.

Early Saints and Other Saintly Stories for Children, Austin Mardon: How did Saint Francis of Assisi protect a village from wolves, and what did Saint Osmund have to do with the infamous “Doomsday Book”? This reference is a collection of clear and straightforward entries on the lives of early and more recent saints and other important contributors to the Catholic faith. It is an introductory study into those who have faced insurmountable difficulties with the bare strength of their faith. The biographies are designed for the young researcher or any youth with a burgeoning curiosity. Though the entries offer only a glimpse into the lives of these exceptional individuals, they are sure to provide a basic understanding and serve as a gateway for further investigation.

Investigating the Kensington Rune Stone and Other Essays, Austin Mardon: This book is comprised of three essays investigating the Kensington Rune Stone, the Callanish Standing Stones, and the Vikings in North America. Each topic is covered in-depth in this book, compiled by Dr. Austin Mardon.

A Conspectus of the Contribution of Herodotos to the Development of Geographic Thought, Austin Mardon: In this book Dr. Austin Mardon outlines his hypothesis on how Herodotus influenced western geographic thought through his great work the Historiee.

English Medieval Cometry References Over A Thousand Years, Austin Mardon: his book presents cometry references as recorded by English Medieval monks and scholars.

Space Rescue Systems In the Context of International Law, Austin Mardon: Dr. Austin Mardon outlines the international law treatises governing the act of space rescues, and their interaction with humanitarian efforts on Earth.

The use of geographic remote sensing, mapping and aerial photography to aid in the recovery of blue ice surficial meteorites in Antarctica, Austin Mardon: The works of Dr. Austin A. Mardon based on the first expedition to Antarctica for meteorite recovery based on aerial photography detection. It comprises twenty-three peer reviewed journals that are illustrated and explained in great detail.